Are these gadgets really necessary?

So Steve Jobs passed away last week. Zillions of people mourned over his death. People whom he never really knew. But seriously, if you could take a look at all the three famous products from the Apple in the last decade, they were all gadgets that we could easily do without. And basically they were stuff meant for just show off.

Let's start with the ipod. There are so many lesser known mp3 players which are much more user friendly than the ipod. Then came the iphone with its oh so many add-ons for social networking. It just increased the number of useless status updates in my Facebook page. Because people bought this phone paying so much that they had to let the whole world know that they were using it. And then they started using it for all features except for making a phone call (which is what a cellphone was invented to do in the first place)! After that came the ipad. Now we have laptops, desktops and practically all internet browsing tools now on the phone itself, so why one more six-inch tablet PC whose functionality could be easily replicated by all the afore mentioned devices?

So people land up spending money on stuff that they dont really need to begin with and made the company bigger and richer. I have survived ten years without purchasing any of their products. And I am sure that if I can survive without this for so many years, then so will other people.


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