Career Change

We spend a good portion of our life working and it's important to make sure that what we do is meaningful and fufilling. Regardless of your current job, take time to mull over whether what you're doing is what you want to be doing. If not, consider how to take another career path. You never know where you might end up!

The above paragraph and umpteen other articles that I have read in books and internet articles have not helped my career much. I am still back to square one. I was a not-so-bad computer science engineer.
Although I hated the job I was still respected in a society which churns out God knows how many software engineers every year. But I am still lacking one important factor essential to every person's career i.e LUCK.

I know I have mentioned this before, but seriously I need this factor more than anything else now.This must be something running in my family. I mean my dad worked under a boss for more than 20 years.

My dad had been a qualified chartered accountant , cost accountant and company secretary. The boss was only a cost accountant.My dad retired 5 years ago, the boss who was almost seven years older still survives in the company!

From this example I have understood that it is not a lack of qualifications that held him back. And if anything he has worked a lot harder than I ever did in my whole life. So what was missing , of course it is LUCK.

There are countless examples that I can give of people who didnt deserve the positions or salary they held but still had them because of this extraordinary luck factor.Being in the right place at the right time is a sentence that really carries a lot of weight in today's scenario.

My first team leader in an IT company had told me years ago to always do what is it that you want to do. But familial constraints(had to relocate after marriage) , environmental constraints(limited scope for IT professionals) and host of other reasons mean that I really cannot do what I really really want to do.

Add to that is the fact that all people are selfish as a rule. And this includes even your friends. Other than your parents nobody in this life wants to you to get ahead. They might sympathise or empathise with you but they will never help you to get ahead in life.


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