How Do You Measure Success?By Shawn Driscoll One of the places I often start with a new client is to have them answer this question: "At this stage of my life/career/business success is?" By starting with a clear definition of what success looks like for them, we have a compass by which to measure their success. But recently, I've started to notice an interesting pattern. Many of my clients, colleagues, and friends (and yes, even yours truly!) go after certain goals for one set of reasons, but then later measure their success against a completely different set of reasons or standards. Here's an example of what I mean: One of my clients had set a goal of increasing the visibility of her business by getting lots of PR. So, she set about doing the things that would get her media interviews and lots of visibility. And it worked like gangbusters! In less than 90 days she had been featured in several prominent national newspapers, radio shows and even television. And yet, s...