A thousand splendid suns - Khalid Hosseini

I finished reading this book about a month back. Due to general laziness I didn’t write the heartfelt review that I badly wanted to write at that time. But this is one of the books that had a great impact on me. I read it in a single sitting on the 7 hours flight from London to Dubai with only interruptions for having food in between. I swear this is the second time (First was Tuesday’s with Morrie by Mitch Albom) I am crying after reading a book. What struck me the most was the helplessness of people? Mainly women suffering from aftermath of mindless wars which are the result of the “so called” mind games of politicians worldwide. The story is based in Afghanistan. It is difficult not to cry for the character that is Mariam. We feel angry when she is 15 and forcefully married to a 47 year old. She didn’t have a legitimate father. She never had a proper education. She was beaten up by this useless husband. She was forced look after his second wife and kids. In the end she is executed by stoning. How many people are there like this in Afghanistan? What do such people have to look forward to in a life like this? Is there anything to smile about with such a life? And finally what did I get by reading such a disturbing story? Well the answer to the last is that I felt grateful to God for my life. Even though it is in turmoil right now, it is nothing when compared to women in nations like Afghanistan

In my heart I was only thankful to God that I was brought up in India. And no matter what problems I have faced so far. It will never be of such intensity. At least my childhood was never this disturbing. Long live India, Long Live the city of Chennai.


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